about el búho café

El Búho Café is a faith-based not-for-profit coffee shop located in Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. It sits in view of the majestic El Potrero Chico, a world renowned rock climbing destination. Since 2010, thousands of people have come through our doors to partake of our amazing coffee, great food, and to share in our community.

El Búho’s profits go towards a local middle school in an impoverished community called Mission. Mission is a community of 10,000 people, about 15 miles from the coffee shop. Mission was started as a squatter's community, and now has been adopted by a local government called Salinas.

In 2010, we realized that there was a need for a middle school in a nearby pueblo. While we had a church planted there, the church only practically served the community two days a week. A school serves the community every day of the week. What we wanted to do was to help the kids of this area get out of poverty. So we had the vision, along with a local school and a local church, to build this middle school and help the kids advance beyond sixth grade.

Since that time, El Búho Café has helped build and continues to help fund this local middle school. With the help of many climbers and community organizations including churches, missions groups, and more, we have seen this school built from the ground up to be an agent of change in this community.

If you’d like to give to support El Búho and Mission School, visit the link below.